May 10 11

Equestrian Connect Continues to Offer Top Quality Service

From LEG Up News:

Showing can be fun, challenging and exciting. Every show, however, is preceded by the tedious and time consuming task of filling out show entry forms. When it comes to a trainer or assistant filling out entry forms for the whole barn, it can be downright brutal and take hours away from more important tasks—like training horses. Equestrian Connect solves this problem with easy one minute horse show entries.

Olympic Gold Medal rider Leslie Burr Howard and her assistant, Daphne Cline, have 50 horses in their barn they take to shows. “We have 43 horses on the subscription, and seven more on pay as you go,” says Daphne. “When we went to a show with 42 entries, I used to have 84 pieces of paper to fill out. Equestrian Connect took the process from taking a whole day to just a couple of hours. The biggest benefit is taking me out of the office and putting me back into the barn where I need to be.”

Read more: download the full article [PDF]

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